

I have a special friend, Davy Jones, Davy has a special way with words, his words come from his heart. Davy gave me permission to use his article on meditation in my Blog.Thank you Davy.

Walking in Holiness

There is something inside us that is bigger than we are. It is better than we are and more loving and caring. It can bring positive strategies and answers to help us deal with the push-pull situations of life. And when we are ready for it, we can become empowered by this source. This power is the Holy Spirit, and we can access it when we are in a certain mind set which is much like prayer.

The following meditation can help us in allowing the Holy Spirit to work through us. Remember that the Spirit is already within us; we just have to get our tangled emotions and our focus on material things out of the way.

For our meditation we need a quiet place and a few minutes to remain undisturbed. A chair in which to relax and focus on the Spirit is all we need. If we are serious about our meditation and are aware of the very real possibility of being touched by the Spirit we will have no trouble in being humble as we begin.

Seated in your chair gradually shut the world out. Close your eyes if you like. Become very still and quiet. Focus on your breathing and relax.

Let your tummy draw in the air. Exhale through your nose. Remain conscious of your breathing for a while then let it become automatic again.

Relax your shoulders. All the while remain focused on the Holy Spirit. Think of good and caring things others have done for you. That is the Spirit at work. While you are meditating, if an intrusive or negative thought pops up, simply accept it and tuck it down inside yourself into a quiet place. Remain focused on the infinite peace and love of the Spirit.
Just stop thinking and relax into the Spirit and await the touch. When the Spirit comes, it will wrap around you like a blanket on a chilly day. You will feel refreshed. You will automatically remain humble because you realize that the power which has touched you is infinite in scope. Rise from your chair and stretch. Now you can walk back into life, walking in Holiness.

Love Davy
Thoughts or comments? Please email me at bobsfaith@yahoo.com . I will love hearing from you! Bob


Our Body According to Bob

As we go into another year Iā€™m going to lay some real heavy stuff on you. We will call it ā€œOur Body According to Bobā€.

First I believe our body is in two parts. Let us call them our worldly body and our eternal body.
The worldly body is the part we wear out! This is the part we use every day, this part we control mostly with our brain.

The eternal part is the part most of us seldom use! It is the part that never wears out! It lasts forever! This is the part that most of us carry around as dead weight most of our earthly life. We will call this part our inner spirit, our soul. This is the part that will go on forever and never wear out, yet most never or seldom use.

This eternal you and me is reached only through our heart and prayer, and all through unlike our worldly life it just sits there waiting to be asked to help! Yes, you need to ask!
It is your direct line to Your Father in Heaven, and the line is always open.

When asked it will tell you what foods you should, or should not eat. It will also tell you how much food is necessary.

It will tell you what parts of your body need repairing and how to repair them. Also if you ask, how to stop the pain!

Most of all, how to develop FAITH IN OURSELVES! Faith in us is the key to using all of the above.

By developing faith in ourselves we are able to create a favorable outward aura affecting those around us.

We must remember it is our heart that is the key to the doorway behind which all of this information is stored. The information is always there, and I will help you find the KEY so you too can use your gifts.
Thoughts or comments? Please email me at bobsfaith@yahoo.com . I will love hearing from you! Bob
