
Intro to Faith, Pain, and Healing

The First Rock

Hi, I'm Bob.

I'm not a doctor, a preacher, I haven't even stayed at a Holiday Inn, but I may be able to help you with some of your pain and help you feel good.

So, I'll put in this disclaimer now:


Before you read this blog, you had better check with your medical doctor, your friends, your politicians, your preacher, your priest or rabbi, your psychic and anyone else you feel is smarter than you—because you may need permission to read further.

These words are my opinions, my inspiration, and my conclusions. You and only you are responsible if you choose to do anything based on what you read on this blog.

Now, on with my Blog:

The first rock in our path is Faith - not the go to church Faith - not the read the scriptures Faith. It's Faith in "You".

So you make mistakes, we all do. Now let's get back to the meat of this blog - Faith in Yourself - I don't want to hear "Well maybe I'll try" - think to yourself "I'm going to do it" - leave yourself no excuse - no back door - just "I can do it".

The first step is develope Faith in yourself - no excuses - just make up your mind I'm going to do it.

If when you get up in the morning - look in the mirror and see an unloved face - you will be unloved all day.

If you see that same old face - you will have another some old day.

If that face says "I'm sure I can" - that face will have a special glow and it will las all day - And Yes You Can!

Faith in yourself is so great - and it rubs off on others.

When you look in the mirror and see someone that hurts, stop looking at that person - and look for the one that is going out to smell the roses.

We must get over that first rock - we must have Faith in ourselves, we must know we can. Before we take the next step - without Faith in ourselves, that rock becomes a stone wall.

I'm great - I have Faith in myself - and I know you are great as well. Then we'll take the next step and don't look back!

Thoughts or comments? Please email me at bobsfaith@yahoo.com . I will love hearing from you! Bob



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