
Smell the Roses

Smell the Roses

Don't be afraid or ashamed to be different. We are all different. Think how boring a rubber-stamp world would be.

Go back to the mirror; look that person in the eye. You know that person is great, one of a kind, like no other. And God created that mold just for you. The day you were born you were given ALL the tools you'll ever need for your entire life. Only your excuses can keep you from using all of those gifts.

Go back out and smell the roses. Have faith in yourself. Allow that rose to fulfill it reason for being created. For that instant that Rose was created just for you.

What are you going to do with that rose? Are you just going to quickly smell rose and then throw it away or are you going to take the time to really study its color? Truly smell the fragrance? Take the time to see, feel, smell its beauty with your heart. After all it was created just for you, it was created just for to make you feel good and feel good comes from the heart.

Feel-good gives your faith in yourself. I believe much of our joy, happiness, healing, comes from the heart. I believe our faith in ourselves comes from our heart.

I believe we must learn to see beauty with our heart, think with our heart, heal pain with our heart, hear music with our heart, first and foremost and truly the most important we must learn to breath with our heart because after learning this one thing everything else will fall into place, and last we must have faith in ourselves that we can do all these things.

We must always remember we have been given all the tools we will ever need! All we need is faith in ourselves to be able to use them all, and use them wisely.

Just a little faith in yourself and you can move mountains! I know you can because I can!

Thoughts or comments? Please email me at bobsfaith@yahoo.com . I will love hearing from you! Bob



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