Of Faith, Pain, and Healing
Why did I start this blog? What is its purpose? Or maybe we should just ask what caused Bob to start this blog?
A while back (earlier this year) I took a short course in psychology taught by my friend Russ. This was my fourth or fifth class with Russ. Each of his classes has made a difference in my life. The next to last day and of this class opened a new door in my life that I will never walk back through again.
Russ taught the class how to breathe with our heart! When the class was over I realized that one lesson had made me feel good. REALLY GOOD!!
Yes Russ you created a monster! Russ you started me thinking! Back when my kids were growing up, I can remember them saying many times “get out of the way Dad’s thinking again and you never know what is going to happen”. Reach out and take my hand and we will travel through this exciting new learning adventure together.
Basically this blog is your world-my world-OUR WORLD-according to Bob! I will be sharing new things I have learned (and am still learning) about my self and others as they happen to me, and remember this is all happening in the few short weeks since Russ first sowed that seed! Welcome aboard, I know we are in for an exciting trip!
I have learned that it is really our heart that controls the faith we have in ourselves.
Many times I will be telling you to TRULY look into that mirror each morning. The WAY you see that reflection can control your life for all of that day!
When I look in MY mirror each morning I now see the reflection of a person who knows that before that day is over he will see a miracle!
Look upon this blog as Bob’s welcome hug. You will notice that there is always a hand held out asking you to walk along with me. With each step let’s take as big of a bite out of life as we can and enjoy it together. Remember we have been given all the tools we will ever need for our journey, lets enjoy them together.---Thanks Russ you opened the door!---And thank YOU for reading my blog.
Thoughts or comments? Please email me at bobsfaith@yahoo.com . I will love hearing from you! Bob
Labels: Self Healing with Bob
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